8. Group & Situational Effects and Culture
1. Group & Situational Effects on consumer behaviour
- Family
- Reference groups
- Opinion leaders
- Brand communities
A. Opinion Leaders and influence
- Referent power - Celebrity endorsements, social media influencers 2. Expert power - Pharmacist, lawyers, teachers
- Legitimate power - Judge, police
- Reward power - Boss, supervisor
- Coercive power - Coach, parent
Reference groups – groups that has significant influence on an individual’s values, attitudes, and behaviour.
- Normative reference group - group to tell acceptable norms (family, friends)
- Aspirational reference group - group to tell desirable norms (celebrities, athletes)
Influence of reference groups
- Informational influence
- Utilitarian influence
- Value-expressive influence
Two step flow of mass communication - opinion leaders (OLs) are the key to the spread of information.
- Information flows from mass media to opinion leaders who then disseminate into larger population
B. Brand communities and brand tribes
Brand community - group of people who share a common interest in a brand and its products.
- brandfest - annual event for brand community